The Alpha Omicron Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi was founded on March 12, 1938 by seventeen members of the Texas Tech band under the direction of D.O. “Prof” Wiley. These eighteen people were founding an organization at Texas Tech which would have a profound effect on not only the Tech Band program, but also on bands in the state of Texas and indeed across the nation. As the first chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi in Texas, Alpha Omicron was instrumental in the founding of chapters at several colleges across the state including the University of Texas at Austin, West Texas A & M University, Baylor University, Angelo State University and the University of Texas at El Paso among others.
Leadership and unselfish service have been the hallmark of the history of Alpha Omicron from those early years. Within a few weeks of their charter AO members composed a fight song with words which still serve as the official fight song of Texas Tech University. In addition, during the late 1930’s and throughout World War II, the brothers of AO had an instrumental role in founding a sister organization at Texas Tech, the Tech Band Sorority, which became a nationwide organization known as Tau Beta Sigma.
Over the years Alpha Omicron has been involved in many major projects, which have benefited both the Tech band, and bands in general. In addition to providing a consistently high standard of daily manual service, which has benefited the band program through hard economic times and lean budgets, AO has undertaken many other major projects. Some of these projects have included a regional marching festival hosted jointly with Tau Beta Sigma, endowment of an official Texas Tech scholarship for bandmembers, providing major philanthropic support in the area of equipment purchase, recording funding and recruiting efforts for the band. Over the years AO members have even been involved in such major areas as hosting a telethon to raise money to send the marching band to several bowl games and major participation in lobbying efforts to secure various music facilities additions. These are but a few of the areas of support that make up the rich history and tradition of Alpha Omicron.
Alpha Omicron’s service and support have extended beyond the Texas Tech campus with a more than twenty-five year association with community events such as the March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, South Plains Food Bank, Lubbock Chamber of Commerce and assisting at various high schools in a volunteer capacity.
Over its eighty year history Kappa Kappa Psi members at Texas Tech have given much of their time and talent to benefit not only the Texas Tech band program but the community as a whole, and with this strong tradition we will continue to Strive for the Highest.